Launching a website for my creative brand, Doodle Doo Designs, was daunting.
I don’t have an unlimited budget, or, in fact, any budget, to allow someone else to develop a site and shop for me, so had to explore the possibilities available to me in order to build my own.
Cue falling down a massive rabbit hole that was being consciously incompetent and overwhelmed with the size of the task. I don’t know anything about building a site… I’ve never done it, nor do I want to again, truth be told!
What I knew from the outset was that I wanted it to emulate the feeling of my Instagram account (cue another massive headache right there, although I’m definitely more at ease with Insta now!) It was important for my logo and brand colours, pink, black and white to run through the theme (as well as having a bit of glitter and bling!) and for the site to be simple to navigate, in addition to being a working online store… wow… it’s given me a fair few sleepless nights, let me tell you!
However, I have to be honest and say that whilst I’m sure some looking at the site could pick it apart, I’m really proud of it. I’ve gone from being consciously incompetent and worrying myself silly about how to do it, to leaping in, doing the research and watching endless hours of YouTube tutorials in order to get here… I’ve even added a blog, for goodness sakes!
So, whatever your feelings on it are, I hope you enjoy browsing the sections… more items coming soon, and that you find the process of ordering a simple one.
Now I can get back to the really fun stuff… designing exciting items for you to order! Remember that if you have an idea of something you’d like creating, but don’t see it her, no problem. I’ve been designing for over 25 years so I’d love to be able to help and create something unique and amazing.
Have an amazing day and remember, be kind… always.
Much love,
p.s. If you don't follow Doodle Doo Designs on your social platforms... what are you thinking!? Please give us a follow and get your friends to do so, too! Thanks... I'm forever grateful.